Doodle Card #357 – 10 Things We Can Do Every Day To Be Super Nice


As long as we choose to be nice to others, we might as well be super nice.

Being super nice to others is like using oxygen masks on the plane. You have to save yourself—be super nice to yourself—first to save others.

First six things of today’s list is to be super nice to ourselves. Without these, we can’t keep doing super nice things for others.

Thank you @superniceclub for inspiring us!


Doodle Card #356 – 10 Things To Do With Your Notebook


There are millions of things we can do with our notebook, but here are my top ten + one tip to make the most of my notebook:

  1. Do monthly/weekly planning
  2. Plan & record my daily tasks
  3. Take notes
  4. Draw a rough sketch (or doodle)
  5. Put a copy of anything interesting
  6. Write down quotes I like
  7. Draft my blog post
  8. Brainstorm
  9. Keep a journal
  10. Count my blessings

Tip – Create an index: “Information is useful only to the extent that you can find it when you need it.” -Tim Ferriss


Doodle Card #355 – 10 Things Average Managers Should Do Every Day


We don’t have to be an excellent manager or leader to get our work done. There are millions of “average” managers and leaders who do great work on this planet.

An average manager or leader who knows how to unleash people’s potential will do great work. What they need to do is quite simple, but not always easy.

Perhaps “don’t be a jerk” is the most important mantra for the average managers and leaders. While excellence does not always guarantee success, being a villain will definitely lead them to failure.


Doodle Card #354 – Actions You Should Take Before Quitting Your Job


Quitting/changing a job is in fact a lifestyle change. When you begin to think that it might be the time to seek a new opportunity, it’s a good idea to start from checking your household budget. Then move to strategic planning.

When you get a job offer, don’t make an impulsive decision. Wait for at least 24 hours. If someone forces you to accept the offer immediately, it’s a bad sign. You might as well consider declining it.

I forgot to add the most important action to the first ten ideas – so I added it as Number Zero at the end. CALM DOWN before taking these actions. When you’re trapped in negative emotions, don’t do any of them—instead, just focus on calming you down. You are going to make a very strategic move of your life, so don’t let your negative feelings to dictate your future. Otherwise, you’ll regret being so impulsive for many years.


I’ve decided to stop…


I’ve decided to stop creating my Doodle Card—in the way I’ve been doing for almost a year.

I’m going to raise the bar; I’ll generate 10 ideas every morning and create doodles along with them. I’m going to do James Altucher’s idea muscle exercise in a visual way, and it’ll be my new daily creative routine.

Ten ideas about what? I don’t know yet. Sometimes it would be business ideas, sometimes about lifehacks, sometimes it might be about recipes for dinner. I will come up with a theme for the day every morning. But of course, no matter what it would be, I will do my best to make them useful and inspirational to you.

You might see more than 10 ideas like I did this time. My brain often doesn’t stop working once it starts generating ideas, even when they are bad ones.

If you have a theme that you want me to generate ideas for, feel free to contact me at anytime! 🙂