Doodle Card #388 – Answer Strong


Answer strong.


No one cares about you if your idea is not crazy enough.

Especially when you start your own business. Even if you’re capable of saving this world and willing to do anything for it. Everyone is busy with their own agendas, and they don’t even notice you’re there.

Challenge people’s belief, and let them pose skeptical questions. Chances are, if you stay crazy enough and answer strong, people begin to recognize you.


Doodle Card #387 – Always Be Strong


Always be strong.


Especially in a business environment, not everyone is supportive—even when you work really hard. Even your boss doesn’t always care about you.

That happened to me a long time ago. My boss ignored me entirely, and it really hurt me. At that time I was not mentally strong enough, and I quit the job. That was a bad decision, because I completely missed the opportunity to be much stronger during tough times.

Everything happening to you is an opportunity. Stay strong, and never give up.


Doodle Card #385 – Always Remember Why You Started


Always remember why you started.


A year ago, I started drawing again with only one purpose: I wanted to do what I loved in my childhood.

Then I posted my doodle on Instagram. I had only few followers at that time, and no one cared. I was able to do anything I wanted without worrying about what others do.

On the other day, I noticed that I begin to think I “should” doodle every morning. Why “should”? When I started, I did what I really wanted to do; how dare it now becomes one of the things I “should” do every day?

I decided to go back to where I started. I draw because I want to draw like a kid, not because I want to make someone impressed.