Doodle Card #434 – Redefine Failure


Redefine failure.


Failure is a beginning. The beginning of your one-of-a-kind comeback story.

Failure is an education. You’ll learn how to do things better.

Failure is a chance discovery. You just find the way that doesn’t work well. Find out why and move on.

Failure is a success in progress. You’ll see that a success is a process, not a single event.

Failure is a fuel. It will keep driving yourself forward until you reach your destination. Or way beyond the goal you’ve ever imagined.


Doodle Card #433 – Fear Not


Fear not.


Human beings have fear, like animals. It’s one of the primitive reactions.

Human beings also have courage. All of us can develop it further through continuous effort and self-control.

Courage can always supersede fear. Unlike animals, we human beings have it to be anything we want to become.


Doodle Card #432 – Aim Higher From The Start


Aim higher from the start.


How do you play the game of life?

When it comes to our life, most of us know that playing the long game is quite important to make our life successful. But some people confuse playing the long game with playing it safe.

Tragicomedy in people’s life happens when they aim too low and hit. They settle for way below what they deserve, and only wish they could aim higher next time—even when there is no ‘next time.’

Aim high, no matter what. You’ll see a few (or more) setbacks—sometimes major ones—but that’s the price to pay to get what you really deserve.


Doodle Card #430 – Make Everything All Right


Make everything all right.


Is everything in our life going to be all right?

To make things happen or change, we often need to take a strong action, end a dysfunctional relationship, or quit a dead-end job. And even when these are the right things to do, they usually don’t give us an immediate result. Temporarily, things look much worse than before.

Things in our life don’t look all right all the time. Only we can make everything all right in the end—nothing else does it for us.