Doodle Card #419 – Get What You Deserve


Get what you deserve.


If you pay less for creative services, don’t expect more. You only get what you pay for.

Creative services will never be like manufacturing. There is no economy of scale. You might think that cloud sourcing site is quite cost-effective and time-efficient, and it would be true in a sense; but it can also be quite quality-ineffective.

None of creative professionals wants to be like expendable items. If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, don’t do so; you still don’t deserve it.


Doodle Card #418 – See How It Works


See how it works.


It’s not easy to define what the ‘right’ design is.

There seem to be many ‘wrong’ designs, but each design has its purpose. As long as the purpose of a design is fulfilled, that design is successful—even if it looks ugly or wrong.

In that sense, we might have seen too many beautiful designs that doesn’t always serve its purpose.


Doodle Card #417 – Always Think “I Can”


Always think “I can.”


As Henry Ford once put it—whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.

So if you have something you really want to do, always think you can do it—and you will do it.

At this point, you would not know how you do it. But not knowing how to do it now doesn’t mean you can’t do it in the future.

When you dream big, don’t be too smart. Quite often, being bold is the key to make things happen.


Doodle Card #416 – Live Again And Again


Live again and again.


As long as we live, we sometimes fail at something.

Failure should not make you stop trying something new. If you don’t try, you won’t fail at something anymore—but you wouldn’t be able to succeed at something either.

To live is to experience both the light and the darkness. No matter what happens to you, live. Start fresh and new. Live better. What you experience will only make you stronger, so don’t give up.


Doodle Card #415 – See Your Ego


See your ego.


Most likely, your ego would be bigger than you think.

We all need an ego to live our lives. Problem is, if the unhealthy part of our ego rules our lives, it quickly starts destroying our relationship, professional career, and/or whole life.

One of the ways to rectify the unhealthy part of our ego is to fail miserably. Then we begin to realize our true self—it can be much smaller than the exaggerated ego we used to have, but much more resilient to obstacles—and we can start anew.