Doodle Card #404 – Seek The Flow


Seek the flow.


We can create our best work when we devote ourselves to something we forget about time.

The work might not be the best from other people’s point of view. But it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we focus on something and do our best. And if we keep doing that, someday our work will become too good to ignore.


Doodle Card #403 – Do What You Want


Do what you want.


We often become passionate about something, but our passion usually doesn’t last forever.

It happens to anyone. You don’t have to make an excuse. Do whatever you want at any given time. Do everything you want. Do as many things as you can.

When you think you’ve found something important and your passion about it will last—verify it. And if your passion is true, congratulations! You hit a jackpot.

Don’t expect that you will hit a jackpot on your first attempt. It never happens to most of us. The person who hit a jackpot is someone who kept trying until he hit a jackpot.


Doodle Card #402 – How Can You Make It Better?


How can you make it better?


It’s quite easy for us to get satisfied with what we are now. Especially when other people say that our work is good enough or we are smart enough.

And we feel terrible when someone says that our work is lousy or we are not good enough.

What others say can affect our self-esteem. But someday you might think, “How dare this guy can say I’m good or bad? Who the heck is he? Does he deserve it?” You are right. Other people can make us feel good or bad, but they will never be responsible for your life.

No matter what others say, we should not take that at face value. We have to keep asking ourselves, “How can I make my work better? How can I make myself better?” That’s the only way to achieve self-actualization.


Doodle Card #401 – How Good Do You Want To Be?


How good do you want to be?


It’s always good to focus on how good you want to be, not how good you are now.

We don’t even know how good we CAN be. So aim high. But we also have to have a ‘realistic target’ every day so that we won’t get disappointed easily. So start small.

If you improve 1% every day, you will get about 3700% return a year later. In other words, you will be about 37 times better than today. And if you keep doing so, that would probably become the greatest investment you’ve ever made.