Doodle Card #385 – Always Remember Why You Started


Always remember why you started.


A year ago, I started drawing again with only one purpose: I wanted to do what I loved in my childhood.

Then I posted my doodle on Instagram. I had only few followers at that time, and no one cared. I was able to do anything I wanted without worrying about what others do.

On the other day, I noticed that I begin to think I “should” doodle every morning. Why “should”? When I started, I did what I really wanted to do; how dare it now becomes one of the things I “should” do every day?

I decided to go back to where I started. I draw because I want to draw like a kid, not because I want to make someone impressed.


Doodle Card #383 – Create Real Effect On Your Life


Create real effect on your life.


Self-help industry is selling placebos. Most self-help products have no therapeutic effect but placebo effect; the product sometimes works if their customers truly believe that the product will work. Yes, it’s only “sometimes”—it doesn’t always work because it’s a placebo after all.

What if a self-help product is “scientifically proven”? Find an original research paper, and see if the product worked for ALL research participants. It might have been “scientifically proven,” but you’ll see that it still doesn’t always work for everyone in every situation.

Since the self-help industry hugely depends on a strong belief of their customers, it can easily create an addiction and build a cult. People in that industry will never publicly acknowledge it, because that’s how they make money.

So what can we do about it? Know the facts, and if you have money to burn and still really want to buy a self-help product or service, do so as an experiment. Otherwise, believe in yourself, work harder and smarter every day, avoid impulsive decisions and behavior, love people who work with you and help them become successful, and make a fortune for yourself. That’s the best self-help approach.


Doodle Card #382 – Respect Yourself And Others


Respect yourself and others.


People tell a white lie. It’s inevitable.

Someone said to me, “Oh I love your blog posts! I ‘always’ read them!” But I haven’t post any articles on my personal blog in the last twelve months. I also checked Google Analytics to see if there is an access from the town the person lives in—NONE.

I saw a post on Pinterest saying “when someone lies to you, it’s because they don’t respect you enough to be honest, and they think you’re too stupid to not know the difference.” It might be true, but is this belief worth believing for the rest of our life?

Probably not. The person might have just revealed how he or she is and that we can’t count on the person when things get tough, but people—including each one of us—can change. Even when someone doesn’t respect you enough, don’t disrespect the person.

More importantly—don’t lie to yourself. If you don’t respect yourself enough to be honest, and if you think you’re too stupid to not know the difference, your life will end in vain.


Doodle Card #381 – Humility Always Wins


Don’t feel humiliated; humility always wins.


When your ego drives you, you will most likely NOT get the outcome you want.

Even when someone tries to humiliate you—even in front of many people—don’t let your ego react to it. Be calm, smile, and just ignore. Other people will easily understand which person is stronger and more confident.

The weak humiliates others to protect their ego. Having humility is the attribute of the strong.