Doodle Card #437 – Show, Fail, Then Adjust


Show, fail, then adjust.


Some people say, “Ask your customers what they want.” And we usually only come to know that they don’t even know what they really want.

Some people say, “Show your customers what they need.” And we soon realize that we can’t do this without knowing what they need.

Product (or service) development is not a one step process. It’s a cycle.

First, you have to create something anyway and show it to your customers. And you will most likely fail to deliver what they need. Then adjust and create something different. Show it to your customers and see how they respond. If you fail, adjust it again and show again. Repeat until you finally get what your customers really need.

Successful businesses repeat this cycle relentlessly. For them, failure always means ‘one step forward.’


Doodle Card #436 – Never Stop Creating


Never stop creating.


To be a creator is not as easy as it sounds.

You want to be a creator, decide to create something, and start sharing it with the world. That’s a great start, but the first challenge is to keep creating something on a regular basis.

When you start sharing your work with the world, people start reacting to your work—for a while. Then most of them quickly lose interest in your work because you are not a professional artist or any kind of publicly-recognized creator yet. The second challenge is to keep creating something even when people start ignoring you.

One day someone starts talking about your work. Some of them, or many of them, start asking you to create something for them. You get paid, at least occasionally, for the work you create. But the work is not always the one you wanted to create; it’s often the one that your client wanted you to create. The third (and the biggest) challenge is to keep creating something you really want to create.


Doodle Card #435 – Make Your Own Way


Make your own way.


Your life is what you’ve made up.

Your friends. Or having no friend. Your financial situation. Your weight. Everything you have right now is the result of your choice and action in the past.

But no matter what your life has been, it’s your own choice how you want to spend the rest of your life. You always have that choice.

Most likely, your life will not change instantaneously. Perhaps people who ignore you on Facebook right now will never be your true friend. Probably you’ll notice that there is no such thing as the law of attraction without action.

But things will change sooner or later if you keep taking action. You will change them if you decide to do so.


Doodle Card #434 – Redefine Failure


Redefine failure.


Failure is a beginning. The beginning of your one-of-a-kind comeback story.

Failure is an education. You’ll learn how to do things better.

Failure is a chance discovery. You just find the way that doesn’t work well. Find out why and move on.

Failure is a success in progress. You’ll see that a success is a process, not a single event.

Failure is a fuel. It will keep driving yourself forward until you reach your destination. Or way beyond the goal you’ve ever imagined.


Doodle Card #433 – Fear Not


Fear not.


Human beings have fear, like animals. It’s one of the primitive reactions.

Human beings also have courage. All of us can develop it further through continuous effort and self-control.

Courage can always supersede fear. Unlike animals, we human beings have it to be anything we want to become.