I’ve decided to stop…


I’ve decided to stop creating my Doodle Card—in the way I’ve been doing for almost a year.

I’m going to raise the bar; I’ll generate 10 ideas every morning and create doodles along with them. I’m going to do James Altucher’s idea muscle exercise in a visual way, and it’ll be my new daily creative routine.

Ten ideas about what? I don’t know yet. Sometimes it would be business ideas, sometimes about lifehacks, sometimes it might be about recipes for dinner. I will come up with a theme for the day every morning. But of course, no matter what it would be, I will do my best to make them useful and inspirational to you.

You might see more than 10 ideas like I did this time. My brain often doesn’t stop working once it starts generating ideas, even when they are bad ones.

If you have a theme that you want me to generate ideas for, feel free to contact me at anytime! 🙂


Doodle Card #352 – Get Tuned Up


Get tuned up.


Sometimes our brain does not function as we expect it to.

Yesterday I made a lot of mistakes while working. I also noticed my mistakes even after I got a task done—and threw away my work (mistakes included) as it would take too much time to redo it.

A lack of focus is inevitable. It happens no matter what we do, even when we have many things to do, and leads us to make a mistake. When it happens, all we can do—and should do—is to calm ourselves down, no matter how busy we are.

Breathe slowly, meditate, take a walk… Five-minutes break to calm you down can save hours later.


Doodle Card #351 – Be Fair To Everybody


Be fair to everybody.


Life is not fair. Other people are not always fair to you; most of the time, they are unfair.

But we should not give up on being fair to everybody. Why?

No one will thank you for being unfair. If you become unfair, people who are treated unfairly by you will curse you and try to retaliate against you—perhaps for the rest of their life.

It’s just unnecessary. It’s always NOT a good idea to incur someone’s hatred because it will come back to us sooner or later—especially when we have a tough time.

You may think vengeance is sweet. It certainly is, but it will come back. Never get upset when you are treated unfairly. Forget it and be fair to others. Don’t get trapped in an endless loop.