Look into the unknown.
Do I really want to make friends? The latest article by Eric Barker (@bakadesuyo), “This Is How To Make Friends As An Adult,” posed this question to me.
I used to have 400+ Facebook friends. Now it’s around 60 or so because I’ve unfriended most of them. I usually ignore a friend request. I rarely see my Facebook timeline because I’m not interested. I do have a LinkedIn account but only use it to log on to Lynda.com. I launched a social group at meetup.com, about 40 people joined the group, but have never held an event.
While I always do my best to maintain a good relationship with my best clients, I often avoid interacting with people at a personal level. I still don’t know why, and need to dig deeply into myself. I want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. When we have a big question mark about something, that’s a sign of a turning point in our life.