We’re all human beings, not numbers.
If you just want to increase your followers on Instagram, you should not follow my account.
On social media, there have been many weird tactics. “Follow-Unfollow” is one of them: Follow an account, and if the account doesn’t follow you back shortly — say within a few days — unfollow the account. And repeat this until you get enough number of followers.
I know many social media marketers or consultants suggest this labor-intensive tactic. And I’ve seen many social media accounts — including the ones on Instagram — use the tactic. What they are missing is that, however, a social media account is not a thing; it’s a human being. Not everyone impulsively follows them back. While some do, many of us deliberately decide not to follow them, especially if their posts look like the same as others.
People look for inspiration, not visual stimuli. If we accept and respect that, we won’t need any of cheap social media tactics anymore — because we see people as a human being like each one of us, not a thing like “a number of accounts.”
In my humble opinion, no one has to follow my social media accounts. But, in case someone happens to follow me, I am trying to make my posts as inspirational as possible — even if my efforts don’t always pay off and the outcome is often well below average.