Doodle Card #366 – Go After Your Ideas, Not Others


Go after your ideas, not others.


Doing many experiments is essential for us to find an idea that works well. That also means that we often have embarrassing experiences from the experiments.

My 10-ideas doodle was a complete disaster. It was disastrous because I just followed other’s idea and tried to cut corners—hoping the 10-ideas format would make me more creative, which didn’t happen. It rather prevented me from digging deeply into myself and discovering something insightful.

Especially when we pursue a creative work, we might as well stick to our own idea(s). Of course, even if our idea is extremely good, we will have to learn many things from ideas and experiences of others in order for us to make our idea happen—but that doesn’t mean we have to blindly follow someone’s ideas, experiences and/or advice.


Sketchnote #67 – SCAMPER technique


I believe in the power of “idea sex”—the term coined by James Altucher. When ideas mix together, we have unlimited number of new ideas. But if we really want to be an “idea machine” (also coined by James Altucher) and make the most of the power of idea sex, we have to be good at letting our ideas have sex with each other.

The SCAMPER technique is quite useful for that purpose. It’s like the Kama Sutra for idea sex. It has nine principal ways of changing a subject into something else, and I’ve been using these for years—either consciously or unconsciously—to generate ideas.

If you’re interested and would like to get to know about the technique right now, google the term “scamper technique” so that you’ll find many good references. I will post some info-doodles about it in the future because I believe it is quite useful to someone who creates something in his/her life—that is, all of us. Stay tuned! 🙂


Doodle Card #365 – 10 Reasons You Should Stop Doing What You Do


Based on the analysis of my two-week experiment, I’ve decided to stop creating my 10-ideas doodle card—at least in the way I’ve been doing in the recent two weeks. I think the 10-ideas format is not the best way to deliver the unique value that only I can create.

In our life, there are thousands (if not millions) of times we should consider doing what we’ve been doing. There are also thousands of reasons that you should consider quitting, and today’s list is only a fraction of them.

It’s okay to stop doing what you do, even if you’ve been doing it for a long time. The worst situation is that, you just waste your time, energy and creativity for the things that no one—including yourself—would benefit from.


Doodle Card #364 – 10 Things To Do When You Feel Inferior


I always lived with a sense of inferiority. And I still often do. Even when people say something good about me, my subconscious mind rejects it and tells me complete opposite things.

I’ve never fully succeeded in conquering the feeling of inferiority. I still have many things to do, and today’s list is just part of them. You might find none of them useful, and that’s probably what my subconscious mind wants, while my conscious mind still hopes the list would be helpful to someone else in any way.