Doodle Card #306 – Know What You’re Made For


Know what you’re made for.


Other people are unable to know what you are. It exists deep inside yourself. Quite often, you don’t even know what it is. There are many people who can help you explore, but in the end, it’s your task to find that.

Don’t let others decide what you live for or what you do. It’s always your call. Don’t blindly follow someone’s instructions either. Learn them in a serious manner, but when it comes to practicing them, add the value that only you can create.

Be honest with what you’re made for. That’s the ultimate purpose of our life.


Sketchnote #63 – The James Altucher Show with Tony Robbins


My favorite quotes from the James Altucher Show episode 217 with Tony Robbins

This is a must-listen episode. While I was listening to it, I couldn’t stop taking notes… I created a visual reminder to post on my wall, and let me share it with you 🙂

This visual doesn’t look like a sketchnote at all, although I drew many sketches to figure out the final layout and composition. I thought the best way to express Tony’s enormous energy is to go digital. When our creativity explodes, we often see the outcome we never imagined…


Doodle Card #305 – Generate Ideas


Generate ideas.


Every day I generate many bad ideas. I’m very good at it and proud of that.

Because the opposite of a bad idea is not a good idea; having no idea is the opposite. It’s even worse if someone who has no idea talks about someone else’s ideas as if they were their own ideas.

If you’re not sure if you have your own idea, do this experiment: stay away from all source of information—including, but not limited to, newspaper, TV programs, blog posts, email newsletter, and social media feeds—at least for a few days (ideally two weeks, but it might be too much at the beginning) and see what comes up in your brain. Observe where these ideas come from. Then ask yourself: Are these my own idea, or am I just repeating someone’s words and/or ideas?

Bad ideas aren’t useless. These can be a seed of a great idea. Don’t throw them away, just jot them down. And see how they grow.


Inspired by the text message conversation with @marika_inspires. Thanks Marika! 🙂


Doodle Card #304 – Be A Source Of _____


Be a source of _____.


You can be a source of anything if you choose to.

Inspiration. Encouragement. Motivation. Creativity. Gratitude. Innovation. Fairness.


Destruction. Discouragement. Obstacle. Boredom. Hatred. Stagnation. Discrimination.


Choose to be nothing, and blindly follow authority or someone else.

It’s YOUR choice.