Doodle Card #157 – Stay Calm

Stay calm.


Stay calm.


‘Busy’ is written in Japanese with the ideogram meaning ‘lose one’s mind.’

In Japan people often say, especially in a business environment, “Don’t be busy, otherwise you are going to lose your mind. Stay calm no matter what happens.” Ironically, this phrase is also used as an excuse to dump many tasks on you – people don’t want you to get mad at them.

Not a few Japanese people unconsciously believe that ’being busy’ is equal to ‘losing your mind’ — or ‘mindless.’ The fact is — it is completely possible for us to be mindful while we have many things to do, as many productive people all over the world do every day.

Find out ONE thing that matters most right now. Focus on the ONE thing and get it done. Then repeat.

This will keep you from losing your mind even when you are extremely busy. We have to stay calm for the sake of ourselves, not anyone else.


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