Be the person you want to keep company with.
Arrogance is one of the personalities we can never hide.
I was arrogant. Extremely arrogant. I was a sort of “me-me-me” personality and rarely listened to others. I was not aware of that because I was with the people who were as arrogant as I was. No matter what I thought, I was arrogant enough to make people go nuts. And after delusional short-term success, I failed miserably in many aspects of my life.
While overcoming the failure I created by myself, I learned to be ‘weaker’ than before. It doesn’t mean that I am literally weaker; I intentionally focus on listening to others first and try to ruminate on what they say, before I say something firm. This is what arrogant people would never do, and this way I can identify the person who is arrogant like I was before, and gradually stay away from them.
I am sick and tired of dealing with arrogant people. It’s because not only do I dislike arrogance now but I was fatally hurt by my own arrogance in the past.
I’m doing whatever I can do to let my arrogance go. It helps me become the person I want to be with. And this is also the best way to detect and stay away from arrogance of others.