Visual reminder of the latest article on Eric Barker‘s blog (@bakadesuyo) – 5 Questions That Will Make You Emotionally Strong
Visual reminder of the latest article on Eric Barker‘s blog (@bakadesuyo) – 5 Questions That Will Make You Emotionally Strong
Deliver your content.
Some people are busy creating. Some people are busy stealing.
On Instagram and other social media, there are many accounts that steal other’s content. I use the word “steal” because these accounts don’t make the source clear. They have no respect for creators and use other’s content to increase traffic to their own account.
These thieves may say, “Well, I steal like an artist.” No, they just get lazy and steal other’s work. An artist “steals” an idea of others and transform it into his/her original work. The ability to do such transformation is what makes the difference between an artist and a thief.
Every day I’m busy creating stuff: solutions to client’s problems, simple ways to understanding the complicate, designs and graphics that stimulate our mind and brain. I believe you’re also busy creating your own work. We all are too creative to do content theft.
Follow your ideal state.
For years, I confused simplicity with minimalism.
Simplicity is a quality. Or a condition. It’s something we aim for.
Minimalism is a movement. Or a trend. It’s something we join or follow.
Although minimalism seeks to achieve simplicity in our life, we don’t have to be a minimalist to do the same. We don’t need to join a movement or follow a trend, where someone might be working really hard behind it to make money or become famous.
We just need to define our ideal state and follow it. That’s the way to live our own life, no matter what.
Simplicity counts.
Don’t expect a logo to do too much. This is one of the basic rules for designing a logo.
But this world doesn’t always work that way. Not a few businesses want to make their logo look like a drawing. They often want to add many texts so that their logo itself can tell what their business is. In the end, their logo becomes very noisy. Even worse, many people tend to avoid such noisiness unconsciously, and their logo doesn’t appeal to their target audience as they expected.
A logo is an identifier. It doesn’t sell anything or promote our business—it just tells what we are. A great logo is very good at doing this, like the logo of Apple, Nike, and McDonald. People don’t even need a single word to identify those logos.
What forces many businesses to add unessential factors to their logo?
We prefer simplicity when we choose something. But when we provide something to the world, simplicity often scares us. “Well, people might say this is insufficient or not good enough… So let’s add one more thing. Or add as many things as we can until we become comfortable.”
Fear increases complexity. Confidence reduces it. Simplicity tells how confident we are about our business and life.
Fuel your mind.
My level of creativity flow sometimes depends upon what I did yesterday.
My creative juices tend to keep flowing the day after I exposed myself to a great piece of artwork, an awe-inspiring nature, a thought-provoking book, or an energetic person—even for 10 minutes.
But I also tend to struggle with a feeling of emptiness the day after I just sat at my desk working for a whole day, even when I did create something unique.
I still haven’t found a perfect formula for my creativity flow. Every day is an experiment. What I know at this moment is, every day I need to do something—even a small thing—that fuels my mind.
What’s your secret of being creative?